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  Maybe you stumbled upon our page, or maybe you don't know all the acronyms. This could be the page you need to help you better understand what a PLC is and what we do.

Acronym Explanation

  • PLC - Programmable Logic Controller. An industrial computer that has inputs and outputs wired to it, for example switches, valves, pumps, analog probes, etc. Some of the more common manufactures of PLCs are Allen Bradley, General Electric, Modicon, and Siemens.
  • MMI - Man Machine Interface. Graphical interface that communicates with a PLC allowing users to access PLC functions. A touch screen is one type of MMI. Another type is a PC running software such as Intellution, Wonderware, Citect, and others.
  • HMI - Human Machine Interface. This is a more politically correct substitue for MMI.



PLCs Plus Inc.
1820 Terminal Drive
Richland, WA 99352
Telephone (509) 946-7527
Facsimile (509) 943-9555
Email SOS@plcsplus.com

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